Why are there so many rats in the subway?

Even though rats are prevalent all over the world, they are more likely to become a problem in large metropolises. People often complain about the number of rats that are present in the subway. Does this mean that they are not present everywhere else or are they just less inclined to hide from passing trains? The answer to this is relatively easy to surmise. Even though there are many rats hiding underneath the city, the subway is the one place where you see them. We often spend time in the sewers that run beneath the city. In truth, there are exponentially more rats in the sewers than the occasional ones that you see as you speed past them on the subway. It could also be because humans can see them, but are unable to touch them. This gives them the feeling that they are safe there. Rats are highly adaptable creatures, but they do know that contact with humans is not ideal. This is typically why they hide in the sewer and subway systems. 

Avoiding rats 

If you ask people how they avoid seeing rats in the subway, most will tell you that it is close to impossible. The only way to avoid seeing them is to avert your eyes. Read a book. Watch a movie. Do something that occupies your mind elsewhere. There is no other way to avoid the plethora of rodents that live below our feet. 

Explaining the number of rats 

Most people don’t realize the sheer magnitude of the rat infestation that most big cities face. Rats have no natural enemies in city centers, and they are able to breed without fear. The massive underground sewer systems also allow them to roam unnoticed by the general public. Rats are nocturnal creatures and are more likely to go out at night in search of food. During this time, they are less likely to encounter humans as city centers are largely deserted at night. The overabundance of food allows them to feed their families without venturing far from their nest. This is the ideal marriage of circumstances that make city centers as appealing to rats as it does to young professionals. Why would you commute every day if you can just find a nice place to live close to your favorite all you can eat buffet? 

Population control 

Many cities are taking measures to control the rat population. This is not an easy task as there are millions of rats in most cities. It is impossible to predict where they will procure their food every day, so poison is not a viable option. Many scientists believe that rats are building up a tolerance to the common poisons that are being used. The effects of global warming are also allowing rats to breed throughout the year. It seems as if the best course of action would be to prevent the rats from breeding. They have a relatively short lifespan and if there would be a way to effectively control the birth rate then we would be able to control the problem.